What Are The 7 Qualities Of An Epic Hero?

Qualities Of An Epic Hero

In the wide world of literature, there are unique characters whose actions are remembered for generations. These are the epic heroes, larger-than-life figures whose adventures and struggles captivate our imaginations. From ancient tales to modern retellings, the qualities of these heroes have remained a constant source of fascination. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to explore the defining qualities of an epic hero, unraveling their allure and enduring relevance.

What Is A True Epic Hero & What Is An Example Of An Epic Hero?

A true epic hero embodies noble qualities like courage, strength, and selflessness, embarking on a journey or quest that shapes the fate of nations or civilizations. They often possess extraordinary abilities or lineage, facing monumental challenges and displaying moral integrity in their actions.

One example of an epic hero is Odysseus from Homer’s “The Odyssey.” He embodies the quintessential traits of an epic hero, including intelligence, bravery, and resilience, as he navigates a perilous journey home after the Trojan War. Odysseus faces numerous trials, battles mythical creatures, and displays unwavering determination and cunning to reunite with his family and reclaim his kingdom of Ithaca.

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What Are The 7 Qualities Of An Epic Hero?

Epic heroes are characterized by several key qualities that set them apart from ordinary individuals. Here are seven qualities of an epic hero, along with examples:

  1. Noble Birth and High Status: Epic heroes often come from distinguished lineages, possessing royal or divine ancestry. For example, Achilles in Homer’s “The Iliad” is the son of the immortal sea nymph Thetis and the mortal king Peleus, making him a prince among men.
  • Superhuman Abilities: Epic heroes possess exceptional strength, intelligence, or other extraordinary traits that elevate them above ordinary mortals. Hercules, the hero of Greek mythology, demonstrates superhuman strength as he completes his Twelve Labors, such as slaying the Nemean Lion and capturing the Golden Hind.
  • The Hero’s Journey: Epic heroes embark on a grand quest or journey that tests their courage, resolve, and character. In Virgil’s “The Aeneid,” Aeneas journeys from Troy to Italy, facing numerous trials and challenges along the way as he fulfills his destiny to found the Roman race.
  • Moral and Ethical Code: Epic heroes adhere to a strict code of honor and morality, embodying virtues such as courage, honor, and loyalty. Beowulf, the titular hero of the Old English epic poem, demonstrates unwavering bravery and loyalty as he battles monsters like Grendel and the dragon to protect his people.
  • Sacrifice and Selflessness: Epic heroes willingly sacrifice their own safety or desires for the greater good of society or their companions. Frodo Baggins in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy exemplifies selflessness as he carries the burden of the One Ring to Mount Doom, despite the personal sacrifices and dangers he faces.
  • Leadership and Influence: Epic heroes often assume leadership roles, commanding respect and loyalty from their followers through their strategic prowess and inspirational qualities. King Arthur, the legendary British king in Arthurian literature, leads his knights of the Round Table in quests for justice and honor, inspiring them to greatness.
  • Flaws and Human Traits: Despite their heroic qualities, epic heroes are not without flaws or vulnerabilities, making them relatable and human. Odysseus in Homer’s “The Odyssey” struggles with pride, which leads to conflicts and challenges on his journey back home to Ithaca.

Which Is Not One Of The 7 Traits Of An Epic Hero?

Flight” is not one of the seven traits of an epic hero. The traditional traits of an epic hero include noble birth and high status, superhuman abilities, the hero’s journey, moral and ethical code, sacrifice and selflessness, leadership and influence, and flaws and human traits. Flight, while it may appear in some epic narratives as a skill or ability possessed by certain characters, is not universally considered a defining trait of an epic hero.

Why Do Epic Heroes Demonstrate Special Qualities?

Epic heroes demonstrate special qualities for several reasons, each contributing to their significance within the narrative and cultural context:

Symbolism and Allegory

Epic heroes often embody ideals and virtues that serve as symbols for broader concepts such as courage, honor, and justice. Their actions and qualities represent larger themes within the story, providing readers with moral lessons and philosophical insights.

Inspiration and Aspiration

Epic heroes serve as inspirational figures, motivating readers to aspire to greatness and overcome adversity. Their extraordinary feats and noble deeds inspire admiration and emulation, encouraging individuals to strive for excellence in their own lives.

Narrative Structure

The qualities of epic heroes contribute to the structure and development of the narrative. Their strengths, flaws, and challenges drive the plot forward, creating tension, conflict, and resolution that captivate audiences and keep them engaged in the story.

Cultural Identity and Values

Epic heroes often reflect the cultural identity and values of the society that produces them. Through their actions and qualities, they reinforce and uphold cultural ideals, serving as cultural icons that embody the aspirations and beliefs of their people.

Entertainment and Escapism

Epic heroes offer readers an escape from mundane reality into a world of adventure, heroism, and imagination. Their special qualities and epic quests provide entertainment and excitement, transporting readers to exotic landscapes and thrilling encounters.

Psychological Appeal

Epic heroes appeal to fundamental aspects of human psychology, such as the desire for heroism, meaning, and transcendence. Their struggles and triumphs resonate with universal human experiences, evoking empathy, awe, and catharsis in readers.

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How Do You Create An Epic Hero?

Creating an epic hero involves crafting a character who embodies several key traits and follows a narrative arc that highlights their journey, challenges, and growth. Here are steps to create an epic hero:

  1. Establish Noble Birth and High Status
  • Background: Give your hero a distinguished background. They could be of royal lineage, have divine ancestry, or come from a respected family.
  • Example: In J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” Aragorn is revealed to be the heir to the throne of Gondor, adding to his mystique and importance.
  • Bestow Superhuman Abilities
  • Abilities: Equip your hero with extraordinary traits. These could be physical strength, intelligence, magical powers, or exceptional skills.
  • Example: Achilles in Homer’s “The Iliad” is almost invincible due to his divine parentage and incredible combat skills.
  • Develop the Hero’s Journey
  • Call to Adventure: Introduce a compelling reason for the hero to embark on their journey. This could be a prophecy, a quest for revenge, or a mission to save others.
  • Challenges and Trials: Present the hero with formidable obstacles and adversaries that test their resolve, intelligence, and strength.
  • Achievement and Return: Ensure the hero achieves their goal and returns transformed, often bringing back knowledge or a boon to their people.
  • Example: In “The Odyssey,” Odysseus faces numerous trials as he journeys home from the Trojan War, encountering mythical creatures and divine interventions.
  • Instill a Strong Moral and Ethical Code
  • Virtues: Make your hero a paragon of virtues such as bravery, honor, and loyalty. They should have a clear sense of right and wrong.
  • Example: Beowulf demonstrates unwavering courage and honor, fighting monsters to protect his people.
  • Highlight Sacrifice and Selflessness
  • Sacrifice: Show your hero willing to sacrifice their safety, happiness, or life for the greater good.
  • Example: In “Harry Potter,” Harry willingly faces Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, ready to sacrifice himself to save his friends and the wizarding world.
  • Exhibit Leadership and Influence
  • Leadership: Portray your hero as a natural leader who commands respect and loyalty from their followers.
  • Inspiration: Their actions should inspire others to strive for greatness or to follow them in their quest.
  • Example: King Arthur in Arthurian legends leads the Knights of the Round Table and inspires loyalty and chivalry among them.
  • Incorporate Flaws and Human Traits
  • Flaws: Give your hero human flaws that make them relatable. These could be pride, anger, or doubt.
  • Growth: Show how they struggle with and overcome these flaws over the course of the narrative.
  • Example: Achilles’ pride and rage in “The Iliad” lead to personal and collective tragedy, showcasing his human vulnerabilities.

Additional Tips for Crafting an Epic Hero

  • Complexity and Depth: Make your hero complex with a rich inner life and personal motivations. This depth makes them more relatable and compelling.
  • Supporting Characters: Develop a cast of supporting characters who challenge, support, and help shape the hero’s journey. These characters can reflect different aspects of the hero’s personality or values.
  • Epic Scope: Place your hero in a grand, expansive setting. The stakes should be high, often involving the fate of nations or entire worlds.
  • Narrative Arcs: Ensure your hero’s story has a clear beginning, middle, and end, with a satisfying resolution that ties up major plot points and character arcs.


The qualities of epic heroes have fascinated audiences for centuries, serving as timeless symbols of courage, virtue, and resilience. Whether in ancient myths or modern versions, their stories still inspire and captivate people of all ages. By exploring epic heroes, we come to appreciate how storytelling can cross time and cultures, making a lasting impact on our minds.

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